George B. Berry Chair Professor of Engineering
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Statler College Media Hub | WVU Researchers Utilize DOE Grant To Design And Create Promising Nanoionics Materials In Energy Technology
April, 2024 - Researchers at the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University have been awarded a $500,000 grant from the US Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science, to develop nanoionic materials with applications for green hydrogen production, clean electricity generation, biofuel production and wastewater treatment.
April, 2024
WVU Today | WVU students, alumna awarded prestigious NSF graduate fellowships
July, 2023 - Three West Virginia University students and one alumna are joining an elite group of researchers from across the United States as recipients of National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.
Rachel Morris from Charleston, Meagan Walker from Weston, and Teagan Kuzniar and Ellena Gemmen from Morgantown, will each receive a three-year annual stipend of $37,000 and access to a wide range of professional development opportunities while pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees.
July, 2023